Staff Station
API Calls
For more details on the making API Calls, view the API Calls section.
get/staffstation/getFetch a single Staff Station Object. Accepts the Staff Station's ID.
list/staffstation/listFetch an array of all Staff Station Objects within the Installation.
properties_delete/staffstation/properties_deleteDelete specified custom properties for a selected Staff Station. Set the "keys" parameter to an array or comma-seperated string of keys to delete.
properties_update/staffstation/properties_updateUpdate your custom properties for a selected Staff Station. Use this API call to associate additional information for this Staff Station that will be stored in this Staff Station's properties array.
For more details on the data that is sent to your Webhook Endpoint, view the Webhooks section.
"dedicated_phone_country":"United States",
"description":"101 Broadway | Front Door",
"device_description":"7.0\" Touchscreen with Handset",
"formatted_name_full":"101 Broadway | Front Door",
"logoutDate":"2020-07-16 14:04:18.377",
"properties": {
"title":"Front Door",
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